BD Perioperative &

Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Pre-procedure Testing:

A Pre-procedure Testing (pre-anesthesia) Program can contribute significantly to reducing surgical and procedural case delays and cancellations by ensuring that the patients have all of the required medical clearances, documentation and are physically prepared on the patient’s procedural day. If you are facing or dealing with the following issues in your Perioperative program:

  • Preoperative processes are not efficient, centralized, or patient friendly
  • Cases are delayed/cancelled due to missing test results, consultations, or documentation
  • Surgeons and anesthesiologists are idle, waiting for patients to arrive in the OR
  • Surgeons taking cases to facilities that don’t have delays

BD Perioperative Consulting can assist clients with identifying the challenges the Perioperative program is facing and in partnership with your anesthesia group establish a Pre-procedure Testing program which will consist of the following:

  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Improve patient, medical staff, and nursing staff satisfaction
  • Reduce costs
  • Maximize income

These items will be accomplished by achieving the following:

  • Identify abnormal conditions that could have a negative effect on a patient’s perioperative episode
  • Address medical issues in advance of the day of surgery
  • Minimize schedule delays and cancellations
  • Improve on-time case starts
  • Optimize preadmission, preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative patient care
  • Increase revenue and surgeon satisfaction by enabling them to perform more cases in the same amount of time
  • Improve utilization of anesthesia providers and nursing staff
  • Reduce costs by eliminating routine testing, case delays, and case cancellations
  • Reduce patient anxiety by educating them and their families or friends about preoperative preparation and postoperative recovery processes